
Terms, Copyright, Security & Privacy?

1,መሰረታዊ መርሆች Basic Terms

1,በአካውንትዎ ውስጥ ለሚካሄደው ማንኛውም እንቅስቃሴ ሙሉ ሃላፊነትና ተጠያቂነት አለበዎ You are responsible for any activity that occurs through your account

2,ለመጠቀም ቢያንስ 14 አመት መሆን ይገባል። You must be at least 14 years old to use the Service

3, ሃይለኝነት መለጠፍ፡እርቃን ወይም ራቁት፡ ከፊል ራቁት፡ ዘረኝነት፡ ህገውጥነት፡ ማስፈራራትን፡ ጥላቻን፡ ወሲባዊ ምስሎችና ቌንቌዎችን በዚህ አገልግሎት ላይ መጠቀም በፍጹም ክልክል ነው፡ You may not post violent, nude, partially nude, discriminatory, unlawful, infringing, hateful, pornographic or sexually suggestive photos or other content via the Service.

4,የሌሎችን ማለፊያ ቃል ላለመቀበል ላለመሰብሰብ ላለማሰናከል ተስማምተዋል You agree that you will not solicit, collect or use the login credentials of other users.

5, ማለፍያ ቁጥሮችዎን ሚስጥሮዎን በደህና ቦታ ለማስቀመጥ ተስማምተዋል You are responsible for keeping your password secret and secure.

6, ማንንንም ታጠቃሚ እውቅና ማሳጣት መስረቅ ማስፋራራት ወይም ማስቦካት ማሰቃየት መነዝነዝ መዛት ተመስሎ መቅረብ ሰዎችን ማስፈራራት አጥብቆ የተወገዘ ነው You must not defame, stalk, bully, abuse, harass, threaten, impersonate or intimidate people . ሌሎች Other

7, ይህን አገልግሎት ለሚከተሉት አፀያፊ ጽልመተ ባህርያት ወይም ሃሳባት መጠቀም አይቻልም ለክፉ ለተቃራኒ ሃይላት፤ ለጨለማ ቃላት ፤በኢትዮጵያዊያን ወይም በኤርትራውያን በተጠቃሚዎች መካከልም ጠብን ለመዝራት አይፈቀድም You may not use the Service for negative energy or wicked imaginations, for dark words, to soweth discord among Ethiopians or Eritrean, or any users.

8, ለዳታዎም ሆነ ለባህርይዎ ሃላፊነት አለቦዎት You are solely responsible for your conduct and any data.

2,Copyright & Security

All Ethio or Ethio Apps Team (Ethio Apps LLC) cares about Copyright & Security. We never sell your personal information to third parties. We also recognize that the privacy of our users and visitors to allethio.com and app users the security of their personal information is very important. We never collect or transfer any audio or voice data or sensitive user or device information to us or to any third party, If the app requests sensitive permissions example like  uses your “Android.Permission.RECORD_AUDIO” Permission. This is the only way to do so. . “Visualizer” feature demands “RECORD_AUDIO” Permission.

This Agreement is a legal agreement between you and All Ethio or  “All Ethio Apps Team (Ethio Apps LLC)” regarding your downloading, installation and use of All Ethio  or All Ethio Apps Team or (Ethio Apps LLC ) websites or mobile application software and related services.


All Ethio , All Ethio Apps Team or (Ethio Apps LLC )  has the right to modify the terms of this Agreement regarding the updates of the Software. You can check the modified version of this Agreement from our official Google Play Store page.


Use of the software is also governed by All Ethio  or All Ethio Apps Team or (Ethio Apps LLC )  Privacy Policy, which is incorporated herein by reference. Your privacy is important to us. We designed All Ethio  and All Ethio Apps Team or (Ethio Apps LLC ) Privacy Policy to make important disclosures about how we collect and use your information. We encourage you to read the All Ethio Apps Team or (Ethio Apps LLC )  Privacy Policy carefully and use it to make informed decisions.


Android.Permission.RECORD_AUDIO , Requests Sensitive Permissions etc.. If the app requests sensitive permissions example like  uses your “Android.Permission.RECORD_AUDIO” Permission. This is the only way to do so. . “Visualizer” feature demands “RECORD_AUDIO” Permission.

All Ethio  and All Ethio Apps Team or (Ethio Apps LLC )  does not collect or transfer any audio or voice data or sensitive user or device information to us or to any third party



You acknowledge and agree that the All Ethio and Ethio Apps Team or (Ethio Apps LLC ) mobile application Software and related services may have potential risks. In no event shall Ethio Apps Team or (Ethio Apps LLC )  be liable for any risks.

Comprehensive up-to-date news coverage, aggregated from sources all over the world and Ethiopia All Ethio News.

Our Services display some content that is not All Ethio News. This content is the sole responsibility of the entity that makes it available. We may review content to determine whether it is illegal or violates our policies, and we may remove or refuse to display content that we reasonably believe violates our policies or the law. But that does not necessarily mean that we review content, so please don’t assume that we do.

All Ethio News is an independent Nesw website serving the Ethiopian community around the world. The News and videos include Ethiopian news, music, drama, comedy, events, shows and more. All videos are organized by categories for easy access. All Ethio News does not own and does not claim ownership of any video that is embedded from other video sharing sites. Most of the News and videos are posted by direct request from youtube channel owners or claim rights on video sharing sites. Some videos are recommended by viewers while other video links are sent for embedding on this site by the owners themselves. If you own or have the right to claim any of the News and video on this site and want your video to be removed from this site please contact us with your official emails using the Contact from. Also if you own or have the right to claim ownership of Ethiopian related news and  video good info’s and want us to post it on this site please send us the link to your content or video with your official emails. If you are a producer and are interested in promoting your Ethiopian related videos on this site please let us know. If you have any other question or comments about this site please contact us using the Contact from.